UPDATED: to reflect final draft motion.
Renita Falkenstern asked me to post this. Also, she wanted you to know that there will be a workshop on Friday at convention about this issue given by Sheila Muxlow, Interim Director of the Sierra Club and Joyce Zutter, ABT synod social justice staff person. For background information on the issue Renita encourages people to go to:
Draft Resolution on Pending Water Allocation Legislation in Alberta:
We move that the Bishop of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories write a letter to Premier Ed Stelmach and the Minister of the Environment, Rob Renner, to communicate our collective concerns regarding water and the stewardship of creation. Specifically, we call on the Government of Alberta to:
We move that the Bishop of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories write a letter to Premier Ed Stelmach and the Minister of the Environment, Rob Renner, to communicate our collective concerns regarding water and the stewardship of creation. Specifically, we call on the Government of Alberta to:
1) Develop a provincial water allocation system that focuses on the public interest by giving first priority to ecosystem health and basic human needs, rather than a market-based system that allocates access to water based on the ability to pay.
2) Incorporate water conservation as a top priority of government and to dedicate adequate funding and staff to this purpose.
3) Conduct broad and meaningful consultations with the public, impacted groups and First Nations on the full range of options before making changes to the Water Act.
As the “Creator of heaven and earth,” God has provided natural resources, including water, to sustain all of life (1st Article of the Apostles’ Creed).
The creation belongs to God who has called on us to be stewards of creation (Genesis 2:15).
The creation belongs to God who has called on us to be stewards of creation (Genesis 2:15).
Jesus commanded us to “love your neighbour” (Matthew 22:39). Here we understand our neighbour to include all who depend on water for life, as well as future generations.
Therefore, any system of water allocation should give priority to ecosystem health, basic human needs, and future generations.
The Issue:
The Issue:
Alberta is facing a severe water shortage due to a growing population, drought, toxic contamination, shrinking glaciers, a lack of conservation efforts, and other factors.
The Government of Alberta is currently reviewing the Water Act to determine how water is allocated.
It seems likely that the Government of Alberta will propose a market-based system where water is understood as a commodity that can be bought, sold and traded for a profit.
The Government of Alberta is currently reviewing the Water Act to determine how water is allocated.
It seems likely that the Government of Alberta will propose a market-based system where water is understood as a commodity that can be bought, sold and traded for a profit.
Financial Implications: mailing costs
Moved by: Rev. Renita Falkenstern
Seconded by: Rev. Ingrid Cramer-Doerschel
Draft Second Motion Regarding Pastoral Letter to Congregations:
We move that the Bishop of Alberta and the Territories write a pastoral letter to congregations encouraging them to provide input into the process of determining water allocation in Alberta so that families, ecosystems and future generations are ensured access to clean water. Second, that the Bishop invite congregations to: 1) learn about this issue; 2) learn about and participate in the Sierra Club postcard campaign; 3) write letters to their MLAs; 4) visit their MLA to discuss this important issue which will have an impact on all who live in Alberta.
Rationale: same as above
Financial Implications: mailing costs
Moved by: Rev. Renita Falkenstern
Seconded by: Rev. Ingrid Cramer-Doerschel
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