Saturday, June 5, 2010

Youth Delegates

The Youth Committee gave a powerful presentation about the role of youth in the church. Unfortunately its the same problems we always hear. Our youth want to be involved, and try hard to be, often to be rebuffed or resisted in our congregations.

Convention floors love to see youth get up and talk. People want to know how to get youth involved in our congregations. Youth bring us so much life... yet, what ends up coming out of the convention? We allowed each congregation, all 150, to have an extra youth delegate... and about 10 showed up. Praise be to God for 10, but where are the other 140?

I said when we allowed youth to come as delegates it was a nice gesture, but not a ministry solution.

I probably sound bitter about this, so don't get me wrong. There is vibrant youth and young adult ministry going on in the synod. Outdoor ministry, campus ministry, youth gatherings, bible school and a variety of youth groups.

The problem with this? Only youth do these things for the most part. Once this youth programming is done, there is nothing left. Youth ministry is actually something that should not exist, rather it should be just ministry. Youth ministry is connecting those of all ages, and building communities for all people.

Youth ministry means ministering to all.

*rant off*


  1. "We allowed each congregation, all 150, to have an extra youth delegate". I didn't know that.

  2. I agree the time for ministries segregated via anything has past, it is time to bring our church family's together journeying together as just all generations learning, praying and serving together.
